
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Scarlett = shade of red?

Random Scarlett fact: I LOVE MY NAME! I love that I have actually only met one other person (in real life) with my name 

(I know there are obviously more. For example: Scarlett Johansson) 

So after seeing my friend Kristi post this interesting little 'what does your name mean' survey on her page, I knew I had to try. :) Here is what the survey came up with: 

Your First Name of: Scarlett

  • Your first name of Scarlett gives you a responsible, self-sufficient, and dependable nature.
     (sounds like we're off to a good start) 

  • If you have been given the opportunity, you could do well in business developing your leadership, administrative, and managing abilities.
    (I sure hope so! Speaking of businesses, check it out: Shadowbox Studios)
  • Appreciating quality in all things, you desire to be prosperous.

  • You do not like to relinquish control nor do you accept advice readily.
    (I'd say somewhat true, I like having control b/c I'm a planner. I love having plans.  But advice, I think I listen to I always follow it right away...not so much.) 
  • You have a strong, determined nature and you must be careful that you do not dominate or interfere in the lives of others in your desire to be helpful.
    (Survey you know me all to well, even though I think I'm just being EXTREMELY helpful, it does come off as controlling. But I'm working on 'helping' less, although I truly do have the best intentions.)

  • This name makes you too forceful at times, limiting the natural feminine qualities of tenderness and tact.
         (TACT? What's that? It's true, I am a frequently having a problem with 'word-vomit'. bad trait) 
  • Although the name Scarlett creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, it can cause a materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities.
    (Why does responsible=materialistic?) 
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the reproductive system, worry, and mental tension.
Well overall, I think this survey was pretty accurate and interesting. I encourage you to research your name, see what you come up with?!?!?!?! Here's where you can do it too: Name Survey

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And so it begins...

Greetings people of the world! (or just the two followers I have at the moment). Well here it is:


I'm just going to keep this first one short and sweet. I have wanted to create a blog for a long time and finally decided why not? I plan on spending the next couple weeks just getting used to the blog-scene and then I will start tackling some real issues ;) I feel the reason for a blog is to really rock the boat I guess you could say...SO BE WARNED, I won't hold back. With that being said, don't be afraid to hold back on those comments either. I love a good debate and I'm very open minded, everyone has an opinion and I know I'm not always right. So feel free to shed your own light on the situation. With that being said...