
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keep your eyes peeled...

Well friends, just wanted to give you a little update: this blog is about to get EXTREMELY personal. I've been working on a very difficult post now for a couple weeks. It's been something that's really been weighing pretty heavy on my mind. I'm taking my time and really working through it getting it just right. That's why I really haven't been doing many other posts lately. Just thought you deserved an explanation. :) Keep an eye out though. It's quite a post, explains a lot.

P.S. I promise that after this I will try to start blogging about everyday things and not be so drawn out and dramatic. 

Day 8: all about she whom shall remain UNNAMED! (gasp)

Day 8: Someone who treated you awful.

When today's question popped up only one name popped into my head...yup the girl who once again shall remain unnamed (refer back to Day Four). We had been friends for a long time, best friends at that. There was always a little friendly bickering and teasing but I mean that's normal. Then as we began to drift and hang out with new circles of friends those little things starting becoming big things. There was a lot of talking going on behind each others backs (I'll admit I did it too, mostly venting but things do get taken out of context even then). Then I found out about the incident and it was over. She had done the unmentionable, did the worst thing a best friend could have done to me especially when she knew how I felt about the situation. One HUGE fight later, I ended it and wrote her off. I've seen her in passing a few times since then and like I said in Day Four's have to forgive a move on and I have. I had a lot of good times with this person and people make mistakes but once you lose my trust it's VERY hard to get it back. I have no hard feelings toward this person, it sucks they made a bad decision and the way things ended but it happened, no going back now. 

Day 7: Someone who makes your life worth living.

Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for. 

***Refer back to Day 2***
(not a complete list of course but they are a huge part of it) 

My friends and family are my world. I don't know where I would be without them. They inspire me, lift me up when I'm down, and make me smile always, but most importantly they love me for just who I am. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

day 6. i never wanna (blank).

Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do.

I hope that I will never have to attend another child's funeral. I've been to two (both for car accidents, one involving a drunk driver) and there is nothing I can think of more painful than seeing someone's life cut so short. Sad post, i'm just gonna end it there. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 5: before I kick the bucket...

Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life. 

Yes after the movie I had to make my own: here's what I came up with. 
(I'm not counting it unless I have a picture to prove it, what kind of photographer would I be if I didn't?!?!) 

1. Go canoeing or kayaking.
2. See the northern lights in person.
3. Visit the Sydney Opera House in Australia.
4. Fly a kite as a grown up.
5. Join a Big Brother, Big Sister Program.
6. Have floor seats at a Lady A concert.
7. Adopt a child.
8. See a real castle.
9. Have a house in the country.
10. See Beyonce in concert. 
11. Start a video blog.
12. Go to the CMA's.
13. Get a real henna tattoo.
14. Highlight my hair.
(before and after photo)
15. See a Broadway play.
16. Make out in an elevator.
17. Ride a tandem bike.
18. Send a message in a bottle out to sea.
19. Become a mother.
20. Go a week without a cell phone or computer. 
21. Drive from one US coast to the other
22. Marry the love of my life. 
23. Camp out at the grand canyon and watch the sunrise and sunset.
24. See the 7 wonders of the world.
25. Eat at White Castle.
26. Donate a large amount of money to a charity anonymously.
27. Dance in the rain.
28. Ride a city bus and get off at a COMPLETELY RANDOM stop.
29. Buy the most perfect/beautiful pair of heels that fit BIGFOOT ;) 
30. Spend a whole day in bed with someone I love.
31. Ride in a limo.
(Riding in a Limo with my best friend Chris for his roommate's 21st)

32. Play hooky.
33. Dance at a formal ball.
34. Play a game/compete against a professional athlete.
35. Learn to play guitar.
36. Kiss on a ferris wheel.
37. Paint a mural on an outside building/silo/barn/etc.
38. Compete in an eating contest.
39. Try out for the Amazing Race.
40. Be someone's superhero.
41. Study abroad.
42. Sing karaoke in public.
43. Be a princess for a day.
44. Visit Paris.
45. See something truly majestic.
46. Jump off a cliff/play in a waterfall.
47. Spend a night just under the stars.
48. Go to a drive in movie.
49. Climb a mountain.
50. Be an inspiration.
51. Go on a weekend trail ride/campout on horseback.
52. Fall in love.
53. Have my own art show.
54. Be an adult and have a slip-n-slide party.
55. Ride the subway.
56. Go to Alaska.
57. Go skinny dipping.
58. Read the Bible cover to cover
59. Go to/host a barn dance
60. Ride the world's biggest roller coaster
61. Visit a 3rd world country
62. Runaway
63. Jump in the water with clothes on
64. Have one of my photographs printed in a magazine. 
65. Save an animal from a shelter.
66. Get my ears pierced.
67. Drive on the Autoban. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 4: Forgive and move on.

Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for. 

I'm going to change this up a little bit. Instead of something you have to forgive someone for I'm going to make it something you've forgiven something for. I have really only been deeply hurt by someone twice in my life: once by a friend, once by a family member. But I can honestly say that I have forgiven both of them for how they hurt me. 

Family member: I will never understand how you could've been so hateful, abusive, rude, and spiteful. But seeing you and the direction you've life has headed in the last two years, just goes to show that you had it coming. I wouldn't wish that pain and illness on anyone though. In fact, I feel very sorry for the way your life turned out. I wish you would've changed before you got sick. We would've been a lot closer if you would've. But you and I have talked and you know I forgive you and love you, despite it all. I'm just sorry we don't have a good relationship because of your decisions in the past...and now it's too late. 

Friend: You messed up...BIG. We never spoke again and when I see you I do walk the other way. I forgave you a long time ago, I understand people make mistakes, and I'm not one to hold a grudge. But with that being said, I won't put myself back in that position again. It can't ever be the same between us... and that's just that. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for. 

think think think. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

okay well as you can see I've been thinking about it and I'm drawing a blank. I don't think there is anything that's really been bogging me down that I still need to forgive myself for. The problems that were there have already been dealt with, I'm past it now. My life is wonderful right now. I am extremely blessed and in a very good place. With that being said to make this post a little more interesting, here's something that made me laugh today. Enjoy. :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 2: My Peeps.

Day 2: Something you love about yourself.

This one was Easy Cheesy Lemon Squeezy. My favorite thing about myself is that I'm friendly! I have sooooo many friends. I love to meet new people and build strong friendships that will last. Sometimes it overwhelms me the amount of people I care about and who care about me. I am truly truly blessed in that way.

But for the sake of keeping this post manageable I'm only gonna talk about my bestest friends... 
You see, I have eight best friends! Aren't I a lucky girl? 
These are the people I talk to every single day, all day. (in no particular order)

Kristi, Kristi, Kristi. There is just too much to say about Kristi for this blog. I could go on for days. I met Kristi in the fifth grade and she's been one of my closest friends since. She has seen me at my worst and my best and has been there through it all: whether it was orange streaky spray tans, getting lost at the fair, buying lottery tickets, roadkilling and so much more. Kristi is in many ways my rock. She always knows just what to say to give me the boost I need. 
 Kristi got married last year and moved to Kansas with her solider, but that didn't mess up a thing. THANK GOD for SKYPE and Facebook. Kristi is back now while her husband is overseas. (Thank you to Silas and all the other men and women who put their lives on the line everyday to fight for us here at home. You truly are special people that we often take for granted.) I'm looking forward to all the future 'adventures'/memories Kristi and I will make. 
friends forever. pinky promise. 

Emily is my HOT and DANGEROUS friend. This girl is crazy, in a good way though. I have known Emily since kindergarten. You see, I always liked Emily but well I throughout Elementary and Jr. High we weren't really bffs. Frankly, she just thought I was annoying. But in high school, we became much closer. We began getting close through Beta club and basketball. RKG was formed one night towards the end of senior year and since then Emily and I have been extremely close. 
I would say that we have had sleepovers at least once a week since graduation, even though we're in our twenties now it doesn't matter: you're never too old for a good girls night right? In the last year, we've both gone through a lot of things that tested our friendship, but you know what we've only gotten closer because of it. I'm so blessed to have such a great friend.

I met Hannah in Elementary school and well we had classes together all the way through high school but we weren't ever really close. We began to get close our senior year, but I think the night RKG was formed that was really only the start. After a year of RKG events and sleepovers, Hannah, Kristi, and I moved in together. 
That's when I learned the most about Hannah: she makes the best breakfast for dinner ever, she reads in the tub, she has every shade of pink nail polish ever made, she is an amazing advice giver, she is constantly drinking kool-aid, she eats more wings than any person I know (and she got me hooked), she loves to laugh, and she dances like Elaine from Seinfield. All in all you just gotta love her.

Oh my Christopher. Our story starts at the Missouri Taekwondo Centers. We both met there as students. We both joined the Demonstration Team there and eventually became the captians. We really got close when the owners of the taekwondo school started their family and added a baby girl Cayley almost three years ago. Chris started working at the school to help them out, and I spend about everyday there in the summer and a couple times a week just stopping by to visit/workout. And we both tested last summer for our 3rd degree level 3 together. He made the best testing buddy ever. :) 

Chris and I have soooo many jokes, most of the time we end up just looking at each other and laughing because we already know what the other person is going to say. Chris and I have spent more time sitting and watching Glee/Karate Kid, eating at Hong Kong Inn or driving around playing our favorite car game and just hanging out than I can even begin to count. I can tell Chris anything and I often do. I know I can text him at anytime of the day or night and he'll answer. We talk about anything and everything. For that I can never thank him enough, after all I do talk a lot, it takes a special person to handle that and he does very well. 

There isn't a single bad thing anyone can say about Jelani. She is the one of those one in a million types of people. I am sooo blessed that God allowed Jelani to be in my life. We ended up being roommates my first year at MSU because we were both the new freshmen throwers. We both love food, have brothers named AJ, love track and field, can't do anything half heartedly, own red cars, and have ohh a plethora of other things in common. 
My favorite thing about her is that without even trying Jelani pushes and encourages me to be better. I like to think that Jelani is in many ways like a better black version of me, and I mean that in the bestest way possible. :)  I know Jelani and I are going to be life long friends: the type that my kids will call Auntie and our children will love playing together and causing all kinds of trouble.  

Dee is my ride or die chick. I first met Dee, my first week at MSU. She was an upperclassmen on the track team, a fellow thrower. She's from the Bahamas and came here for school. Dee is certainly one of a kind. I know every time I'm with this girl it's gonna end up being something fun and crazy. 
I don't even know where to start, having for the love of Ray J parties, driving around with the sunroof open, hitting up McDs, or just chilling Dee and I have made sooo many memories in the three short years I've known her. She just graduated last month and has moved back to the Bahamas, but thanks to FACEBOOK and SKYPE (heaven sent I swear) We are still able to talk almost every day. :) Annnnd in July/August I'm planning a trip down to the islands to see her. I can't wait to see her in her element (the snow look isn't a good look for Dee, although it's hilarious for everyone else to see) 

Oh Kindra. Where do I begin? We first met online actually, MSU website page designed to meet new freshmen like you. We started talking because both of our high school mascots were the Pirates. We quickly learned that we would actually be living on the same floor in the dorms and be teammates on the track team. That made Kindra my first friend at MSU. :) 
She ended up living next door.  We spent many nights just driving around, hanging out, and having fun. I swear Kindra is one of the funniest people I know. She once after a LONG night during Finals week spent a solid hour convincing me that if my family gave her just one cow she would be able to sell it for 1000's of dollars and take it to it's new home in the back of a Escalade. Kindra now lives in Chicago with her baby boy Elijah so I don't get to see her as much as I would like, but she knows I've always got her back. :) 

I don't remember the exact time I met Jenny for the first time.  I know we were younger and playing softball on separate teams. Then again through high school. She played catcher for Pleasant Hope (our friendly rivals) while I played first basemen for Ash Grove. We also both played on the basketball and track teams, but softball was always our main sport of competition. Even before we were close, I could tell that Jenny was a great person, you could tell by the way she played the game. I can't describe it there was just something different about her. 
We really became close when we ended up making it onto the same summer ball team: Eclipse. We started the first ever Ride Em Rough crew and that's when our adventures really began. From Martha Massacres, to A Future in Construction, Single Ladies Dancing, and Nunchuka twirling, Flamingo Fiestas, and A trip back to the 80's. Jenny and I have been 'Ridin Em Rough' ever since. Jenny is a great motivator and I'm lucky to consider her such a close friend. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1: I make a plan to make plans. :/

Day one: Something you hate about yourself. 

Okay, I really had to think about this one a lot. You see, I'm not really a low self-esteem kind of person. Frankly I think I'm pretty great but not in an I-am-the-best-thing-that-ever-happened-to-the-planet-self-centered-egotistical-kind-of-way either. I just know that in the grand scheme of things, I have a lot going for me.  God blessed in thousands of ways and I'm grateful for every one. When you live like that it's really very easy to be positive. 

Buuuuuuuuut there are a few things I know I'm bad at: take procrastinating, for example. My friends tend to call me procrastination station.  And despite my efforts and intensions, they are right. I can NEVER seem to get things done early, it's ALWAYS the last second possible. Sometimes I also hate that it's really hard for me to say no. I feel like sometimes I let people take advantage of my big heart because it's really hard for me to say no. For example, even though I will have hours and hours of homework if someone asks for a ride to the mall, I know I really shouldn't take that thirty minute break but I do. It's like a bad/good feeling all at the same time. Bad because I needed to be studying. Good I helped someone have a better day. 

But I think the thing I truly hate about myself the most is that I feel like I always need to be in control. I am a planner to the tee and always have been. I probably make 5 new lists a day. It is awful. My lists aren't the kind that are like "don't forget to pick up dog food" either....for example: my list for tomorrow is so detailed it reads something like this. 

Wake up-8:00
Get ready-8:00
Eat breakfast-8:20
Clean house for game night-8:40
Leave for practice-9:40
Lunch with Jelani-11
Hook up ps2 and karaoke machine-11:30
Work on completing errand (which happens to be another running list!)
back to practice-2:30
Get ready for game night-5
Game night-7:30

And the sad thing is I actually modified it so it looked less full and detailed. :/ I'm serious. Its really hard for me let friends plan things too, like girl's nights out if I don't know what we're doing I'm like anxious all day and it's usually hard for me to let loose until I have had time to warm up to the ideas.  But the weird thing is I love surprises! Like surprise parties or spur of the moment "adventures". But I usually have in the back on my mind a plan that says hey let's do something spontaneous next tuesday just to change it up a bit. It's all an endless cycle of being in control really....

Monday, January 3, 2011

30 days of TRUTH

My friend Kristi posted a cool idea on her blog called 30 days of truth and I thought I'd give it a go...
Here's the topics. :)

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself. 
Day 2: Something you love about yourself. 
Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for. 
Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for. 
Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life. 
Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do. 
Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for. 
Day 8: Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like awful. 
Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted. 
Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know. 
Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on. 
Day 12: Something you never get compliments on. 
Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough days. (write a letter.) 
Day 14: A hero that has let you down. (letter) 
Day 15: Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it. 
Day 16: Someone or something you definitely could live without. 
Day 17: A book you’ve read that changed your views on something. 
Day 18: Your views on gay marriage. 
Day 19: What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics? 
Day 20: Your views on drugs and alcohol. 
Day 21: (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do? 
Day 22: Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life. 
Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life. 
Day 24: Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter) 
Day 25: The reason you believe you’re still alive today. 
Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why? 
Day 27: What’s the best thing going for you right now? 
Day 28: What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do? 
Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself. And why. 
Day 30: A letter to yourself: tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself.

Shall we?

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The content you are about to see is not for those without a JR. High sense of humor.

I spent today cleaning out the man-cave. (yes we do have a room that will be a future man-cave but up until now it has just been a room full of my old junk and some of dad's tools). I found a few interesting keepsakes, but my favorite find of the day was definitely a few of my old journals.  Scarlett fact: I love journaling. My favorite time to journal: during boring college lectures! (Yes this does make me a horrible student) 

So I decided to dedicate this post to my favorite post from my skimming through the journals.  I probably flipped through 100's of pages of my inner musings and mumblings.  I had things in there ranging from my deepest secrets, ideas I had about new art projects I wanted to start, my latest crush, and all the sappy-mushy-gushy-this-is-what-makes-up-life-fluff-and-stuff.  So what do you think made my very favorite entry? Well here, see for yourself: 


Yuppp. There it is ladies and gents. 

Now, that lovely drawing is unfortunately NOT MY ARTWORK.  It's from my old roommate Hannah
The following page says: "i, hannah e. wood, love you scarlett mccall, even though i couldn't help but naughty up your notebook. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 yooooooooooooooou." Needless to say, I literally laughed out loud. Thanks for that touching sentiment Hannah. I'll treasure it forever. :p

ATTACK of the NEW.

Happy New Year!!!!!
2011 is here :) 

The new year brings many NEW things for me:

New resolutions: 

Pray more often
Continue marking things off my bucket list
 Lose 50 lbs
Quit being such a procrastination station
Take more chances

New opportunities: 

When opportunities arise, I'm gonna pounce on them. 
This year I have the opportunity to go to ITALY to study abroad, so I'm going! 
If the money situation works out I also plan on hitting Florida for Spring break, Chicago to visit some friends, and THE BAHAMAS!
I can't wait to see what other opportunities (big or small) come my way.

New dreams: 

Owning a lifted automobile (currently leaning towards a Jeep). 
It hit me out of no where I've never wanted one before but hey things change. 

 New ideas:

Put the bottle collection to use but do it Scarlett style 
(you'll have to wait and see what I have up my sleeve here)

oh and learn to play guitar. 
Step one: get a guitar-CHECK (see picture above for details). 

annnnnnnnnnnd a NEW (and cuter) blog layout. Check it. :) 

What are some new and exciting things you're looking forward to in 2011?