
Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

It's cuz he's "BA"tman :) 

Day 5: I've been there.

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

This summer I studied abroad in Italy! Here's the link to see other awesome pics like this one that I took:

Day Three: Me & My Posse

Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

Yiiiikes. This one's hard! I could upload pics for days of fabulous pics of me and my friends so to spare you I'm just gonna pick my most recent... 

 Emily & me at Em's 22nd bday party 

 Me & Ryan at a Machine Gun Symphony concert. I had sooo much fun. 

 Jelani and me back to school shopping, which really ended up being more like playing. 

 Me, Laci & Megan @ the same concert. <3 these girls. 

Me & Cayley. Ask her & she'll say we're best friends (and princesses)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day Dos: I was here.

Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name

I first fell in love with this song by Lady A and decided it was exactly how I wanted to live my life. 

Then this year Beyonce came out with this single. And once again, it hit me. 

I just want to leave a positive imprint on the world...

I was here. 
<3 Scarlett 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 1: This is me x15.

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Most recent pic of me. I'm at the tkd school I teach at
  1. I have two middle names :)
  2. I secretly would love to be a singer but think I sound better in my car or in the shower than I would on the radio.
  3. I think there is no place in the world I would rather be than in an open field lying under the stars with someone I care about. 
  4. I am sassy and I love that. 
  5. I am currently watching the Titanic in hopes of procrastinating a little longer (I need to be cleaning instead).
  6. I am a dreamer. 
  7. Every Sunday instead of reading the paper, I read postsecret.  
  8. I love experiencing things from new cultures: I am friends with people from 13 different countries (they've taught me so much) and recently studied abroad in Italy.  I plan on continuing to travel the world and making new friends.
  9. Art takes me to a different world and I do it for that reason.   
  10. I have a very small family so I tend to adopt family members instead. 
  11. I'm a daddy's girl. 
  12. I love the smell of Gain laundry detergent.
  13. When I'm really tired, embarrassed or uncomfortable my ears get red. 
  14. I hate hearing people pop their knuckles. It gives me the heebie jeebies. 
  15. I want to run a half marathon next year and I just began training for it. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This just in: 


There have been some alarming incidents in the last few weeks/month/years that had lead me to feel the need to write this. Please read the whole thing, this isn't just some stereotypically email forward chain this is really something that comes from my heart. 
And even if it changes the way ONE person thinks then it's worth it.

I'm 21 this is supposed to be the best/craziest/happiest time of my life right? Well unfortunately, sometimes that's not the case. It's time that I bring attention to the elephant in the room. 
I am sick going to my friends funerals!!!!!!!!!! 
People my age shouldn't be dying because of STUPID decisions. The main causes: 

Texting while driving.

Driving reckless.  

Not wearing your seatbelt.

Driving under the influence.

I'll be the first to fess up. Yes, I have been caught texting behind the wheel a time or two. 
From now on my phone will go on silent and be stored away in the glove box as soon as I get in or I will find a DT: Designated Texter! 
(Friends love being useful and free rein to go snooping through your phone will probably be incentive enough.)

Reckless driving: I'm realizing that it's completely different for guys and girls. 
For the girls: we like to multi-task but it's NOT okay while driving! There is NO reason to be checking facebook, scanning the radio, while eating, and digging around for your sunglasses, at the same time you're re-touching your makeup WHILE DRIVING!!!! Okay maybe that a little extreme but we all do it to an extent and we need to KNOCK IT OFF
Now for guys, I've learned its mostly about impressing the girls. Popping wheelies on motorcycles, burning rubber at stoplights, driving pedal to the medal. Here's the deal: 
most girls DO NOT CARE. Girls are more impressed with the cute boy inside the car NOT how CRAZY they drive. 

 I will understand WHY people WONT wear a seatbelt. It takes literally less than 3 seconds to put on. They aren't uncomfortable, they move with your body, and have been 
And just to play devil's advocate here: I once had someone tell me they don't wear it b/c if possible road-head/foreplay situation arises it will kill the mood. 
MY ADVICE: keep your horny little eyes on the road, find a parking lot or some other classy place like a country backroad, PULL OVER, UNBUCKLE THEN enjoy humping like rabbits for all I care. But don't risk your life for one or two blowies.
(speaking the truth and not holding anything back...sorry if that offends anyone but it's been said and needed to be addressed)

And the final issue. Driving under the influence (this isn't just alcohol-it also includes other drugs.) Whether you're trashed or baked, here's my advice: 
It is my BIGGEST pet PEEVE.  I have never had a drink or hit off anything in my life (which I'm not trying to be holy-er than thou) it's the choice I've made for myself and I'm very content living that way. I would be stupid to think that was the case for the majority of my generation in fact I KNOW it's not. But honestly, I'm begging you: Think about what you're doing. 
Plan ahead! 
Have a RELIABLE DD, call a CAB, just call SOMEONE else to come get you. I have been a DD countless times, granted waking up in the middle of the night isn't my ideal dream but I would MUCH RATHER coming to get your drunk behind than to attend your funeral or visiting you in jail for vehicular manslaughter. Am I exaggerating? To the majority of you, I'll be honest, probably: You might be one lucky SonOfaGun and never get caught, never get hurt, and never get in any sort of accident or trouble but that's something I'd rather not risk. 

It's time we all started growing up and taking responsibility for our actions. Whether you're 15 or 25 this message is to you. Please really think about this stuff because it's real, I know. I've watched it happen. I've felt the pain of losing friends because of stupid accidents. Even if I don't know you that well, someone does: A parent, a best friend, a brother/sister, a teammate. Think about all the people in your life and how THOSE people will be affected by your decisions! 
I hope that after reading this you decide that your life is worth a whole lot more than wasting it to one text message, one drunken night, or the three seconds it took to buckle up.

With love,
A friend <3 

The best thing...

Day 27: What’s the best thing going for you right now? 

I'm happy. Life is amazing right now. I genuinely am finding something new to smile about every day. It's kind of weird actually, I have no job (which equals no money, also leaving me super stressed) but I still know everything will be okay. I have amazing friends and family who I'm learning more and more everyday love me because of the person I am (emphasize the I).  I don't have to be anyone else, I'm great the way I am.  I'm happy with myself and that is something to be proud of. 

This is what happens when you let a special little 8 year old do your hair...
but you know what I rocked it for the whole evening and had a blast doing it. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ideas to spice up the blog.

Okay guys. It’s time to spice up my blog a little bit. So here’s the plan:

  •    Start by finishing the last two entries of my first 30 day challenge.
  •    Start a new 30 day of photo challenge as a warm up.
  •    After that, start doing weekly story-books of my week
  •    And then: I’m also going to have a monthly challenge to myself: I will let my viewers and facebook friends vote, I will go 30 days at a time living without something: ie: facebook, fast food, whatever you guys vote for me to do!!!! I’m also willing to try new things like introduce myself to a new stranger everyday, etc. Then at the end of the month, I’ll let you know how it worked out for me! 
Sooo stayed tuned in to catch all the latest! :) Hope you enjoy.