
Sunday, February 27, 2011

This week's storybook (with pictures)

I have had an AMAZING week. The best week I've had in a LONG time. 
You see this is how it happened!

Early in the week: 

Kristi dyed her hair PINK for her birthday present to herself! Isn't it BEAUTIFUL? 

Hannah got a TATTOO! (means "ready for anything" in Latin)

I ran a mile in under 9 minutes (which is 3 minutes faster than I ran it in December) and a little over two miles in 21 minutes! WHOOP WHOOP. Did four miles total and felt AMAZING after! 

And I ALMOST ran out of gas but DIDN'T! :) It was on E for a whole day. LUCKY me!!!! 

Then came Wednesday: 
We celebrated Kristi's birthday with a little girls night! Starting with Buffalo Wild Wings...

PINK presents (CD and Victoria Secret perfume)...


and dying my hair...

RED! (can now mark that off my bucket list) WHOOP WHOOP! 

Her birthday bash continued at 5 am with some sneaky car decorating and surprise breakfast making! 
I was in a great mood all day even with only 2 hours of sleep. I even dedicated my facebook status to the amazingness 
"is feeling wonderful. amazing night last night, wonderful breakfast this morning, kicked butt on my test despite NOT studying, beyonce tunes coming loudly from my car, this REDHEAD shall be in class with tea & a smile all day."

I spent Friday with my little "sunshine" Cayley Marie. She is the sweetest funniest smartest two year old I know. She's a princess and I'm her best friend. Here's photos from our adventures that day: 
A pic of my new beautiful red hair and my messy room
We visited Bass Pro to check out the animals...

We made a new friend named Ivy...

They looked at fish...

and ducks...

the babysitters chit chatted...

(aren't they cute)
We came home, watched Beauty and The Beast while eating lunch. During which, Cayley informed me that Belle should not marry Gaston because and I quote "He's ugly and mean...DUH!". Then nap time to follow and after nap. We decided to:

and play pretend with markers...


made silly faces...

and rocked some sparkly staches'
This is why I love her. :) 

Then catastrophe struck. My dad got hurt at work and sent to the emergency room. He ended up leaving with three broken bones in his hand, absolutely no thumbnail, and an appointment with a hand surgeon next week. BUT with my dad dopey on pain pills, it made family dinner so fun and interesting. Quotes from the evening included:

Dad: "I'm going to put out hay."
Mom replied: "No you can't drive a vehicle remember? You're on medication."
Dad replied: "A TRACTOR is NOT a vehicle LORI." 

Grandma: "Darn. Guess I won't be heading out to the club tonight, looks like I'm stuck here babysitting the goof (aka my drugged up Dad)" 

I had a wonderful time. 

I spent the evening relaxing at home then had a little RKG fun with my bestie. ;) 
Camera phone pic in some bad lighting but you get the idea...

Went to church, then met my friend Ryan at one of our favorite hang outs: Kat's bridge. We spent a couple hours just catching up and enjoying the beautiful day. 

Isn't that a beautiful photo. RIP Kitty. Miss you :) 

And that about wraps it up for this amazing week in the life of Scarlett :) 

1 comment:

  1. It truly was an amazing week :) i am so glad i was a part of it! xoxo.
